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O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and take these words to those who could not be present here today.
— The Last Sermon of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (Peace be upon him)
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In the 'Uranah valley of Mount Arafat in Mecca, on the Ninth Day of Dhul Hijjah 10 A.H., Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (peace be upon him) delivered his Final Sermon.

 After praising and thanking Allah, the Most High, the Prophet ﷺ (peace be upon him) said: "O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and take these words to those who could not be present today.”

 This is the mission of Walqalam Media—to convey the Message of Allah revealed through His Last Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (peace be upon him) to as many people as possible across the world.  Our intention is to promote greater understanding of Islam and Muslims which we pray will lead all of us to love and accept each other so that we may live together on this planet in peace and harmony as brothers and sisters.

 We pray that Allah accept our humble efforts. 

Islamic Materials for Prisons

Walqalam Media is a registered vendor with the Department of Corrections and the Bureau of Prisons. We offer special discounted pricing on Islamic books and materials for our incarcerated brothers and sisters. Click to download the pricing list and order form.

Walqalam Media also accepts donations to support our ongoing efforts to serve Muslim brothers and sisters in the prison system. Please consider donating today.

Sponsor Books for a Library

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Sponsor a set of Islamic books for the library of your choice for only $25.00 (free shipping). The package includes:

  • The Holy Quran

  • The Sealed Nectar (Biography of Prophet Muhammad)

  • Elementary Teachings of Islam

  • A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam

  • An-Nawawi’s Forty Hadith (A collection of sayings of the Prophet Muhammad)

Click to learn more and order.

Learn about Islam


FREE package of essential books on Islam. Customer pays shipping costs only. The package contains:

  • Holy Quran (translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali)

  • A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam (I.A. Ibrahim)

  • Elementary Teachings of Islam (Abdul Aleem Siddiqui)

Click to learn more and order.